
Becky WimsattThe Bravery Hearts program has been the most successful and beneficial program that has been implemented for the Hematology and Oncology population. The patients and families love the program and the staff enjoys helping kids create the visual journey through their treatment. With the ever growing responsibilities of Child Life Specialists, one of the most valuable aspects of Bravery Hearts is the simplicity of implementation and maintenance of the program. I don’t think I can ever truly express how wonderful Bravery Hearts is and how much of an impact it has made on our patients.
Child Life Specialist
University of Maryland Medical Center

Robert J. WingI have to tell you – we have a parent support group for our hematology/Oncology patients and everyone is talking about the Bravery Hearts bead recognition program. I have heard nothing but positive comments. Thanks so much for helping us get this program going for our patients.
Director of Child Life Services
UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center

Amanda HolderOur kids love the beads! The program gives them something to look forward to when they come in for procedures.
Child Life Specialist
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital

Natrisha BayerI wanted to let you know that we’re delighted with our bead program already. It’s really amazing to introduce it right when a child is diagnosed. Bravery Hearts has a huge impact on our young patients right from the start.
Child Life Specialist
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center

Michelle O'Boyle RN, BSN, CPONOur children absolutely love collecting their "Bravery Beads" but it's a real toss up as to who loves this program more, our young patients or our volunteers who sell the Bravery Heart Necklaces that support the bead program for the children. Just today one of our volunteers said to me, “this program is addicting!” You feel so great telling people about the Foundation and the bead program and then when you sell them the necklace, you see the joy they feel having purchased the necklace that they know will benefit the Foundation whose mission it is to provide much needed medical and supportive care services to children with cancer or serious blood disorders in our community. It is such a great feeling knowing we are part of something that does so much good and brings joy to so many. This is exactly why our Foundation participates in the Bravery Hearts Program. It is a blessing to be able to give so much joy to so many people and still be able to do so much good for children and families in our community.
President Kids' Cancer Foundation